Allocating the right employees to the right activities
Intelligent employee selection planning module, based on positions and competences
Information on the availability of employees (e.g. holidays, business trips)
All project documentation in one place
Full text search and quick access
Only available to authorized users
Built-in project management tools
Balance Score Card
Risk assessment and analysis module
Fully configurable KANBAN board
Decisions registration (who, when, what)
Visualize project phases and milestones in a Gantt chart
Employee competency matrix
Automated system for planning, budgeting and project scope control
Resource availability calendar
Employee portal
Instant access to the information you need
Flexible categorization of documents in the system
Access from the mobile application
Easy search by content of documents
Quick search of related documents (e.g. order with invoice)
Easily configurable business processes
Built-in, intuitive graphical workflow process designer
Process versioning
The current status of the process with the history of activities and decisions performed
Automation of business processes
Defining document templates (e.g. contract with a subcontractor)
Faster document registration thanks to artificial intelligence
Remote digitization of documents thanks to the Shodann mobile app
Increased company data security
An extensive authorization model taking into account the organizational structure, roles, projects
Audit trail - each change is registered with the information: who, when, what, how
Integration with LDAP systems (e.g. MS Active Directory)
Meeting the requirements of the GDPR (encrypted storage of personal data)
Incident Digitalization
Incident reporting never was simpler. Shodann provide end-to-end solution
from reporting to prevention action closout.
Dedicated application for iOS and Android for event registration
Any classification of events
Possibility to attach photos
Real-time notifications
Fully customizable process from registration to mitigation
Analytical module support
Typical use cases
Registration of health and safety events
Acceptance/execution documentation/audits
System screenshots
Incident Details
Incorporated Statistical Analysis
Kanabn process for incident monitoring
Dedicated Mobile App iOS and Android
TIME is your most expensive resource!
Shodann Visual Factory is based on the principle of using a common and universal currency which is
Transforming your business is not an easy process. To do it, you need innovative systems that will
improve your business. Visualizing your productivity is the first step to improving it. Shodann Visual
Factory allows you to easily and quickly meet this challenge.
Shodann Visual Factory will show you:
How much time did you spend producing bad products / services?
How much time did you spend producing good products / services?
What was the downtime? What are the main factors that have delayed you?